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49. Holy Spirit (Sveti Duh) cemetery and chapel

Holy Spirit Chapel, which today is located at the cemetery, is the third church of this name in Omišalj.

The first Holy Spirit Chapel in the plain of Omišalj was mentioned as early as 1565 as the property of the Antončić family. It had a loggia that was used as a shelter from the rain by people who worked in the fields.

In 1910, at the time of the priest Mihovil Mužina, the old chapel was demolished and a larger neo-Gothic one erected at the same site. Above the entrance door, there was the inscription: In honour of the Holy Spirit, the people of Omišalj built this church up from the ground in 1910.

The local painter Franjo Pavačić made the altarpiece showing the Descent of the Holy Spirit. After a new cemetery was opened next to the chapel at the beginning of 1914, this became a kind of cemetery chapel. Unfortunately, the chapel did not last long. The ground collapsed, probably due to the vicinity of the road, the church walls cracked, and it became dangerous to enter the building.

In 1961, Holy Spirit Cemetery was expanded and a new chapel with the same name was constructed. In 1991, a metal cross was erected whose blue colour symbolises the suffering of seafarers from Omišalj. In late 2009, a mortuary and car park were built by the cemetery. Holy Spirit Cemetery is now a communal cemetery for Omišalj and Njivice.

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