50. Village of Sveti Martin and the Church of St. Lucy (Sveta Lucija)

The ruins of a Late Medieval village on the way to Čižići and Dobrinj.

The historical path from Omišalj to Dobrinj is largely surrounded by dry stone landscapes that have remained untouched for centuries. In this area, besides certain typical features such as drmuni (groves surrounded by dry stone walls) and mrgari and mošune (ancient dry stone shepherd structures), there are also the scattered ruins of several villages and their churches. These villages date to the late 15th century, when the Prince of Krk John VII the Younger (Ivan VII. Mlađi) brought migrant farmers to the outskirts of the historic Omišalj area. These newcomers were from the mainland and were called Vlachs by the inhabitants of the island. This move sparked protests among the indigenous people of Omišalj.

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