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47. Church of St. Cyril and the locality of Kurilovo

The Church of St. Cyril, the inventor of the Glagolitic alphabet, and the necropolis of the ancient town of Fulfinum from early antiquity.

Northwest of Fulfinum, on the Ert peninsula, which separates Omišalj Bay from Sepen Cove, there is the Kurilovo necropolis, which dates back to early antiquity, and the ruins of a Romanesque church whose name was probably St. Cyril. This is a standard Romanesque church with a semi-circular apse. The saint was venerated by the Glagolitic Benedictines from Omišalj. Although the name of the site, Kurilovo, is connected with this name, certain archaeologists believe that it refers to ancient urn graves that were accidentally discovered in the Middle Ages and later on during agricultural work in the fields. It is true that a large number or graves with urns and rich grave goods (coins, luxury glass items, ceramic items of everyday use) of the inhabitants of the ancient town of Fulfinum were found at this site. This is probably the central part of the Fulfinum necropolis from early antiquity. The quality of grave goods, mostly imported products, attests to the wealth and residential character of the town, which was inhabited by retired soldiers who were Roman war veterans.

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