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31. Fortičina

Remnants of a fort from the High Middle Ages.

The name of this location probably goes back to the period of Venetian rule on the island of Krk. This hilltop site was used in earlier times to control the embarkation point at the bottom of Omišalj Cove and also the town itself. The archaeological research conducted so far has revealed a castle belonging to the Princes of Krk which was in use for a relatively short period at the end of the 12th and during the 13th century. The research has also revealed that the hill was used in Late Antiquity as a fortified refuge. Its distinctive feature is the abundant use of building material from the nearby ancient town of Fulfinum, especially roof tiles. According to some theories, this is the ancient site of a large cistern or water tower (Castellum Aquae) that supplied the aqueduct of this ancient town. The existence of an aqueduct is documented by an inscription from the period of the Emperor Domitian which is today kept in the Lapidarium museum collection next to the parish church in Omišalj.

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