Walk to the Lake

  As the largest natural freshwater environment on the island of Krk, Lake Jezero is extraordinarily important for the preservation of the biodiversity of the island of Krk and the wider Kvarner region.

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Due to its distinctive nature, Lake Jezero attracted the attention of researchers from an early period. The first scientific study was carried out as far back as 1874 (Cubich). It can be concluded that this is the most intensely and best studied ecosystem in the area of the Municipality of Omišalj. In the past, it had great importance for the economy of Omišalj in terms of fishing and hunting.

The lake is located close to Njivice just a hundred metres from the Omišalj-Malinska road. Its waters cover an area of approximately 35 hectares, and the reed and peat along the shore cover approximately 60 hectares. Depending on the water level, the lake is between 7.9 and 9.9 m deep. At its lowest water level, the bottom is 7 metres below sea level (a cryptodepression). Hunting, fishing and access to the lake are prohibited in the first water protection zone, which has been fenced off. This contributes to the preservation of its flora and fauna.

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