62. Mirine Fulfinum - Forum

Like in every Roman town, in the very centre of Municipium Flavium Fulfinum a forum was located – the main town square ehere the main functions of the urban enviroment of the Roman world met: political, religious , economic and social.

Fulfinum's forum is located in the far north-western parto f town, certainly on the edge of one of the main roads that ran almost in straight line following the coastline orientation through the area of the whole settlement, and probably further in the direction of Krk, across the sites of Mohorov and Njivice.

The main town square evidently possessed all those buildings that were needed for the basic functioning of the town, according to the Roman pattern. In the mature phase, dated back to the end of 1st century, in its central part (but secluded along the north-western edge of the forum area that occupied 1300 m2), stood the main forum temple, dedicated or to the capitoline triad, i.e. three major deities of the Roman religion Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, or possible to the emperors of Rome.

The temple of simple features, with only four columns in front and a simple internal cella raised to a height of about one meter above the walking surface of the forum, was surrounded by a consecrated area formed by the perimeter forum walls on the western and the northern sides, and the portico wall on the eastern side. Along the western, longer side of the forum a series of rooms – taverns – were located, in which, surely, one could not have enetered directly from forum, but from the opposite side facing the sea. A very long building with only three smallish room sin its northern part, preceded by a large internal open courtyard bordered by two porticos, was located in the eastern paret of trhe forum. One could enter into the mentioned area through the doors opened in the wall that bordered the area of the forum from that side. Finally, the entrance to the forum area was marked by a portico above which the the inscription of votive character was erected.

After the already mentioned mature phase, forum of the town of Fulfinum will experience larger changes in the period of the 3rd century, with the construction of the intimate square on the north side of the main temple, and in its centre a constructed base was found on which a monument certainly stood – a statue or inscription – which is unfortunately completely lost. In the period before the final abandonment of the forum, and the town itself, certain areas have been ''privatised''. At the forum, the symbol of public space of the Roman town, light wooden structures appear, thus proving the loss of the original function of the square.

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